

Commercial Kitchen Cleaning

When you are in a business that involves food, you would want every nook and cranny of your kitchen to be spotlessly clean. It can be difficult, but it will be worth it because you will have more satisfied customers. And as a business owner, you would want your commercial kitchen to be aligned with the regulations of the Food Standards Agency.

In this blog, we’ll tell you all about the commercial kitchen cleaning procedures you should follow to meet the legal standards and safety of your staff and customers.

Do I have to set a cleaning schedule?


Yes, of course! Setting up a cleaning schedule will help ease the workflow because everyone will know their designated duties and tasks at a specific time. It will also help build consistency in your cleaning process.
Furthermore, if you have a cleaning schedule, tasks will not be forgotten. It will help improve your kitchen’s hygiene and prevent infestations. Your staff should also note which chemicals and equipment are used, especially if they are expired, so that you can properly dispose of the things that are not useful anymore.
Lastly, your daily cleaning schedule should be divided into three: Before a shift begins, during the shift, and after the shift ends. Before any shift begins, the staff should prepare the kitchen and ensure that everything is in order and sanitized. Cleaning during the shift should also be part of the routine to avoid any unnecessary clutters. And an intensive cleaning should be done every after a shift ends. The staff should also set a weekly and monthly deep cleaning of appliances and equipment to ensure that health and legal standards are met.

How frequent should I clean my appliances and cooking equipment?


Commercial kitchen cleaning procedures are different depending on the area of the kitchen. Some appliances and equipment require daily cleaning, while some are just once a week. Below are some ideas on how often you should clean the area. 

  • Hobs and Ovens 
  • Spillages should be wiped and cleaned every after the shift to avoid unnecessary build-up of grease. It should also be deep cleaned by professionals at least once every six months to prevent food contamination. 
  • Refrigerator 
  • Between every shift, the interior of your fridges should be wiped and sanitized. You should also deep clean it at least once a week because your fridge hygiene is important as it can affect the quality and safety of your food. 
  • Hoods, vents, and exhausts 
  • You should clean your vents and hoods at least once every 90 days to avoid grease build-ups. 
  • Sinks, taps, and draining boards. 
  • You should clean and sanitise it every shift. 
  • Drains 
  • To prevent blockage, you should ensure that your kitchen’s drains are cleaned by a professional-grade drain cleaner once every couple of weeks. 

If you do this, cross-contamination of food, surfaces, and equipment will be prevented. 

  • Mops 
  • Broom 
  • Dustpan and Brush 
  • Microfiber cloths 
  • Cotton Cleaning cloths 
  • Sponge scourers 
  • Industrial cleaning gloves 
  • Floor cleaner 
  • Grill cleaning tools 

And, of course, the multi-surface cleaner. Our SIMIX multi-surface cleaner/degreaser/sanitizer is an affordable cleaning product that can help clean and sanitize your kitchen. It deep clean surfaces, it has no odor, no VOCs, is non-toxic, and safe not just for the interior surfaces, but also for people and pets. It also can destroy viruses and bacteria after cleaning because it has a safe, permanent high pH. Lastly, it can prevent greasy, slippery floors, foul odours or flies, and clogged lines.

So, what are you waiting for? Add our SIMIX multi-surface cleaner to your cleaning products now!